New! Hoodies

Our hoodies are here just in time for cold weather and holiday shopping! They come in 5 colors and six sizes. The cost is $49.99 plus shipping. Shop here ( or scan the QR code below.

WOAH Treasurer Anne Tucker had the great idea of adding ball caps and bucket hats to our collection of Appalachian Highlands Wild Ones apparel.
Just in time for cold weather and holiday gift giving! They come in 5 colors and 6 sizes. The cost is $49.99 plus postage. Shop here:
The caps come in three styles and are “one-size-fits-all.” The bucket hats are described as “one-size-fits-most.” All are 100% cotton and all are priced at $21.99. As with the tee-shirts, a portion of the cost goes directly to our chapter. See below for more on that.
Here’s a link to the hats:, but the QR code below will get you there, too!
Tee Shirts

WOAH T-Shirts Are Available for Order!
Using former WOAH webmaster Macey Brown’s Get Wild design on the back and the new chapter logo on the front, Anne Tucker and Donna Edwards worked hard together to work out the details on WOAH chapter t-shirts. There were a surprising number of negotiations involved with the t-shirt vendor and the national Wild Ones organization. Anne and Donna showed incredible patience and persistence to bring this project to fruition!
Selling the t-shirts is a fundraising project for our chapter, which currently has modest expenses (brochures and other promotional materials, honoraria for speakers) but huge ambitions (collaborating with other like-minded organizations to host speakers with national reputations).
It’s a nice shirt with a great message. There are so many style and color combinations that you may never see two exactly alike, though they do all have the small chapter logo in the front left pocket area and the large Get Wild design on the back. Prices range from $26.99 to $41.99, and it takes 10-14 days for delivery.
Sizing is called unisex, so think “Men’s”. I ordered XL, and it is sized as expected. My wife’s L was a little larger than expected.
Visit the Bonfire website using this link:, or scan this QR code:

Jani Niner is responsible for the “Less lawn, more life” motto. Great job, Jani! Many thanks to Macey for allowing us to use her work!