Invasive species Management with Rod Walker of Blue Ridge PRISM (Thursday, February 8, 2024)

A video recording of Rod Walker’s February presentation for the Appalachian Highlands chapter of Wild Ones may be accessed here: Blue Ridge PRISM Inc began as a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to reducing the negative impact of invasive plants in the northern Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Effective invasive plant control is a community and […] Continue reading "Invasive species Management with Rod Walker of Blue Ridge PRISM (Thursday, February 8, 2024)"

Wild Ones Native Plant Propagation – Part 1 (Thursday, January 11, 2024)

Ben Casteel, Horticulture Instructor and Program Coordinator at the Virginia Highlands Community College invites us to the campus greenhouse in Abingdon to learn about propagation of native Appalachian plants. Ben will cover both Sexual (seed prep – including processing, stratification, and scarification) and Asexual Propagation (division / separation, cuttings, layering, and grafting) of native plant […] Continue reading "Wild Ones Native Plant Propagation – Part 1 (Thursday, January 11, 2024)"

Snakes in Your Garden with Connie Deegan (Thursday, December 7th, 2023)

Good native landscaping attracts all animals.  Snakes are an amazingly important part of the ecosystem, and many people happily coexist with snakes on their property.  Connie Deegan’s program will include a discussion on the physiology of snakes, the rarity of actual snake bites and what to do in the event of a rare mishap.  Connie […] Continue reading "Snakes in Your Garden with Connie Deegan (Thursday, December 7th, 2023)"

Going Forward- November Members Only Gathering (Thursday, November 2nd, 2023)

On November 2nd we will celebrate our second year as the Appalachian Highlands Chapter with a social hour and business meeting. The social hour will include a slide show reviewing our activities over the year. This will be followed by a short business meeting with election of 2024 officers. Finally, the 3-yr strategic plan for […] Continue reading "Going Forward- November Members Only Gathering (Thursday, November 2nd, 2023)"

Art & Nature: A Studio Visit with Suzanne Stryk (Thursday, October 26th , 2023)

Artist Suzanne Stryk invites us to her William King Museum of Art studio to explore her newest project featuring natural landscapes in Southwest Virginia and Northeast Tennessee. She’ll also read from her book, The Middle of Somewhere, which describes her three-year creative journey across Virginia to create an art project titled “Notes on the State […] Continue reading "Art & Nature: A Studio Visit with Suzanne Stryk (Thursday, October 26th , 2023)"

Seed/Plant Swap with Potluck (October 14th, 2023) (Members Only)

Members only!   Benefits of being an official Wild Ones member! This is an opportunity to thin out your flower beds of native plants and bring your labeled plants or seeds to swap and share. Please start to gather your extra plants or seeds and identify them for the swap. If you don’t have any […] Continue reading "Seed/Plant Swap with Potluck (October 14th, 2023) (Members Only)"

Native Plant Gardening – Which Plants Work Where? – Chris Ludwig (Thursday, September 14th, 2023)

We are pleased to have Chris Ludwig draw on his passion and knowledge of Virginia’s flora to describe native plants that can be utilized in our gardens to create natural wildlife habitat.Chris worked for the Virginia Natural Heritage Program within the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation. There he served as Staff Botanist from 1988 […] Continue reading "Native Plant Gardening – Which Plants Work Where? – Chris Ludwig (Thursday, September 14th, 2023)"

Limit Deer Damage in Your Landscape with Michele Armon (Thursday, August 3rd, 2023)

Damage from deer pressure can be very frustrating and costly! Michele Armon from Ninety % Native deals with this issue daily on her wooded lot in Northern Virginia.  She will talk about the methods she uses to reduce deer damage and the plants she finds to be particularly unattractive for deer browsing. While different herds […] Continue reading "Limit Deer Damage in Your Landscape with Michele Armon (Thursday, August 3rd, 2023)"

Member’s Expanding Meadow Garden Tour (Sunday, July 16, 2023)

Members Only! When: Sunday, July 16, 20236:00 – 8:00 pm (Eastern Time) Garden meadows have color, interest, and wildlife value every month, but July can be one of the more spectacular displays of native wildflowers.  Gail Olson has been converting a hayfield to a meadow for 10 years. She will describe the process and lessons […] Continue reading "Member’s Expanding Meadow Garden Tour (Sunday, July 16, 2023)"