Saturday, September 3rd, 2022 – 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Jacob’s Nature Park (1919 Ocala Drive)
Johnson City, Tennessee
Join Wild Ones Appalachian Highlands Chapter for a tour of this wonderful nature park. Walk will be lead by WOAH member, JC Parks and Rec Naturalist, Connie Deegan. Expect to see migrating monarchs, dragonflies, migrating birds and many native plantings! This event, sponsored by WOAH is free and family friendly.
Take a look at the many species that visit or call Jacob’s Nature Park home.
Directions: Park and meet by the Outdoors Classroom at 1919 Ocala Drive in Johnson City. Additional parking at Rich Acres Baptist Church at 1245 King Springs Rd.
(NOTE: This event begins at the park’s back entrance at 1919 Ocala Drive. Navigation apps may lead you to the park’s nearby King Springs Rd front entrance by default.)

Upcoming zoom event on Invasive Plants with Katherine Kilbourne (September 8th)
Join us via Zoom Sept 8th at 7:00 pm for a discussion with Katherine Kilbourne, Tennessee Department of Agriculture, State Plant Pathologist about invasive plants in our area including questions and answers to your concerns. She defines invasive plants (difference between aggressive and invasive), our top plants of concern, different methods of invasive plant removal, TN regulated plants and how plants get on the regulated plant list and how grass root efforts really help! We’ll also hear about the restoration project at Ellington Agricultural Center and the struggles we all face when creating new public habitat projects.
Check back soon for Zoom meeting information and link.