Tag: members only

Garden Tour – Snow Ferreniea’s Garden – Members Only (May 4, 2024)

Snow Ferreniea is English, having initially learned about plants and gardening from her parents, both of whom were avid gardeners. She also received her formal education in horticulture in England. Coming to America in the 70’s, she continued to pursue her passion for plants, especially native ones, as a professional horticulturist. Snow was director of […] Continue reading "Garden Tour – Snow Ferreniea’s Garden – Members Only (May 4, 2024)"

Going Forward- November Members Only Gathering (Thursday, November 2nd, 2023)

On November 2nd we will celebrate our second year as the Appalachian Highlands Chapter with a social hour and business meeting. The social hour will include a slide show reviewing our activities over the year. This will be followed by a short business meeting with election of 2024 officers. Finally, the 3-yr strategic plan for […] Continue reading "Going Forward- November Members Only Gathering (Thursday, November 2nd, 2023)"

Seed/Plant Swap with Potluck (October 14th, 2023) (Members Only)

Members only!   Benefits of being an official Wild Ones member! This is an opportunity to thin out your flower beds of native plants and bring your labeled plants or seeds to swap and share. Please start to gather your extra plants or seeds and identify them for the swap. If you don’t have any […] Continue reading "Seed/Plant Swap with Potluck (October 14th, 2023) (Members Only)"