Member’s Expanding Meadow Garden Tour (Sunday, July 16, 2023)

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Members Only!

When: Sunday, July 16, 2023
6:00 – 8:00 pm (Eastern Time)

Garden meadows have color, interest, and wildlife value every month, but July can be one of the more spectacular displays of native wildflowers.  Gail Olson has been converting a hayfield to a meadow for 10 years. She will describe the process and lessons learned to establish over 40 species of wildflowers, grasses, and shrubs covering ¼ acre. The Olson’s Garden was featured in a recent issue of the Wild Ones digital journal, see Read More.
Directions will be sent to members in the Chapter Newsletter.

Read More: WO-Journal-Spring-2022.pdf (
The tour will be followed by a social hour. You are invited to bring light refreshments to share and a beverage of your choice. Water will be provided.
Members only • free event • free parking • family friendly