Garden Tour – Snow Ferreniea’s Garden – Members Only (May 4, 2024)

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Snow Ferreniea is English, having initially learned about plants and gardening from her parents, both of whom were avid gardeners. She also received her formal education in horticulture in England. Coming to America in the 70’s, she continued to pursue her passion for plants, especially native ones, as a professional horticulturist.

Snow was director of horticulture at Garden in the Woods. She has also worked at the New York Botanical Garden, Holden Arboretum, and Wayside Gardens.

Upon retiring in 2013, she began the creation of her own garden where she blended many of the plants she loves. The garden has a special emphasis on the wildflowers that are so abundant in southwest Virginia.

Over the years she has shared her experiences in the fascinating world of plants, teaching classes and workshops wherever she has worked.

Location: Address will be sent to members only in an email closer to date.

Date: May 4, 2024

Time: 10:30am – noon